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29: The Leadership Drill - 5 Steps to Solve Any Problem

Season #1

How do leaders get better at solving problems? Practice.

Welcome back! This week, we are here with The Leadership Drill: a five-step process to solving any problems you face in business (or outside of it!). In this episode, Desi teaches you the steps of leading with Absolute Accountability and provides an example of the drill so you can see it in action. All this and more in one powerful episode. Thank you for listening.

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The Leadership Drill

Step 1: Identify the Problem

What is the real problem I am trying to solve?

How am I part of the problem?

Step 2: Run the Leadership Drill

  1. Capacity
    1. What is the time deadline for this task/project/assignment?
    2. How much time do I have?
  2. Unite & Support
    1. What are the key relationships involved in getting this completed/moved forward?
    2. Are we united and supporting each other?
  3. Keep it Simple
    1. In its simplest form, what is the goal?
    2. Is it simple enough to understand & execute?
  4. Prioritize & Execute (Rank & Run)
    1. Does this have the highest impact on the organization?
    2. What assets and resources do I need to put towards this task/project/assignment?
  5. Inform, Update & Clarify
    1. Does my team know what to do, how we are doing it and why we are doing it?
    2. Have I provided regular updates and clarifications on the task/project/assignment?
  6. Distribute & Empower
    1. Am I able to distribute some decision making down the chain of command?
    2. How can I give the team more ownership of this task/project/assignment?
  7. Be Humble
    1. Check the ego: Is my ego affecting my ability to look at this objectively?
    2. Am I imposing my plan on the team? 
  8. Awareness (Emotional Self)
    1. Are my emotions involved and impeding my ability to make good decisions?
    2. Have I detached to get a more objective look at the situation?
  9. Zoom Out (Perspective)
    1. Have I sought out other perspectives?
    2. Do I understand this from different angles?
  10. Alignment
    1. Does this align with the overall mission? Does it support the strategic goal?
    2. What can be done to keep the mission moving forward?
  11. Leadership Capitol
    1. Is this spend or earn my leadership capital?
    2. Is it worth it?

Step 3: Take Action

What is the highest priority action I should take based on this iteration of the drill?

Step 4: After Action Debrief & Feedback

What feedback am I getting after taking action? What is the feedback telling me? What were the outcomes (successes & failures)? What did I learn? What will I do differently?

Step 5: Rinse & Repeat the Drill

Prior to each iteration of the drill, ask yourself - Am I stuck in the drill? Has the problem changed?